Thursday, July 23, 2009

Digital Storytelling cont...

This great link was shared with my Evolving Forms of Literacy class today. It certainly speaks to the conversation that we've been having surrounding digital storytelling and its agency in the classroom. For those of you interested in trying this out with your students, definitely a site to explore!


  1. Hey kim!

    I think the idea of digital storytelling is a great method to integrate world and life experience into student literacy. As we become more accustomed to outer stimuli (music, pictures, etc.) accompanying our narratives, it becomes more and more essential that our students be able to produce as well as analyze the multitudes of images, sounds, and messages they are receiving. This helps them to better filter what they choose to believe and respond to and what they choose to leave out. Good luck on the project, and I hope this helps with your blog getting off the ground!

    love, sally.

  2. Thanks so much, Sally! You are certainly right-- students' ability to be digitally literate as well as CRITICALLY literate go hand in hand. Great point!

  3. Hi, Kim!!

    OSU is doing a Digital Storytelling project. You should look up Dickie Selfe and Cindy Selfe on our webpage. Some faculty have participated as well as students. I think it's an exciting way to get students to engage with technology in a more authentic way. And, honestly, they are very savvy about what they want to do and can do already. Good for you! I'll make sure to check back. You should check out work by David Kirkland and Maisha Fisher. I think they have articles in the new English Education Journal on this very topic.

  4. As long as we're discussing the emergence of digital storytelling programs at colleges and universities, we'd be remiss not to mention the good work Rutgers is doing with its Writers (sic) House (

    The exciting thing about these programs for a high school educator such as myself is that they provide me with a leg to stand on when I'm arguing for increased digital storytelling in the curriculum. The more we can show that our kids will need exposure to this in order to survive/thrive in college, the more converts we can win.
